Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sheet of the Week 11/8

Jason and Medea in happier days...
Dear class,

A quick rundown of the week:

Monday: close reading exam.  Be sure to take another look at the sample, as well as the rhetorical device sheet.

For Wednesday, finish reading Medea.  We basically have two periods to finish discussing, so we have to be quick in wrap up.  I'll give you Thursday to prepare your orals.  Note: we'll be going over the play's language carefully with the orals, so some of what we didn't say in discussion will come out then.

The orals will take place the week of the 15th.  Also due that week (the 18th) are the synthesis questions on Medea.

I will start assessing you this week on your blog work.  So be sure you're posting.  Check out Claire and Veronica's recent posts and add or begin your own.

And your final grade is your participation.  I count what I see as well as hear so make sure you are taking notes and paying attention!

Have a good weekend!

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