Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sheet of the Week 11/30

Hi all,
Hope you enjoyed some tasty thanksgivings.  After those pies of Anais's, I'm not sure I needed more, but I hope you all ate and rested and relaxed as much as possible.

Now for the week to come:  By Wednesday, you should read scenes 2 and 3 of Streetcar.  (Finish the last few pages of scene 1 first, obviously!)  As usual, there seemed to be strong reactions to Blanche from the very first; I'll be interested to see what you think as you move further into the play.

Remember also that your Medea synthesis questions are due on Wednesday, if you haven't turned them in already.  If you're revising your Free Choice essays, I'll give you a bit more time -- the following Thursday (Dec. 9) makes sense to me... (see why it's useful to check the blog!)

On December 8, we'll have another DST, the second for this year.  We'll talk more about it in class, but mark it on your calendars now!

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