Friday, November 19, 2010

Pecola's Subconscious and Medea

Having written a close reading of a passage of The Bluest Eye, I wanted to share my thoughts. In fact, I close read the passage where Pecola and her "other voice" talk. This passage was really interesting because it revealed a lot of different things that I had never thought about before. First of all, this passage is interesting in the way that it is not obvious which character is Pecola and which character is her subconscious. By looking at it closely, we can see that it presents both sides of Pecola herself. On one side her "new" personality that her "blue eyes" brought and on the other a more sane side. This sane side tries to bring back Pecola to the reality but in doing so, her mind is corrupted by Pecola. She finally agrees with Pecola in the sense that her blue eyes are beautiful and "bluer" than anyone else's blue eyes. This second side of her finally convinces and reassures Pecola that her actions are right and agrees with Pecola's wrong ideas she has about the world. In our close reading of Medea with Camille, we found the interesting relation with Medea in the sense that Medea too needs someone to tell her she is right. It is interesting how these two characters as they are starting to loose their mind because of a strong desire look for someone who can tell them they are right. Since they both remain alone and left out from society, they look towards themselves for this "someone". Finally I can see that as a vicious cycle in the way that when they start loosing their mind both create someone to help them reach their goals. While doing so, both characters loose grip of the real world more and more. This continues on as a vicious cycle.

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued by the connection between Pecola and Medea, since one seems so powerful and one so powerless. But I'm not sure I see their internal dialogues as the same. It's true that Medea seems to wrestle with herself as she gets closer to infanticide -- but is that the same as Pecola's psychic split?
