Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sheet of the Week 10/25

Hi class,

I hope you're enjoying your break so far.  A far cry from the misery of Claudia's Autumn, wouldn't you say?  I've been eating apples and prancing through leaves, myself (okay, maybe not prancing...)  Hope you've done the same.

A few reminders about what's coming up next week:

For Monday, finish reading A Room of One's Own, chapters 1 and 2.  By now the meal metaphor should be clearer to you, as should the progress of our narrator's "fish." 
Please also read: pages 336-344 in Medea.
We'll do some writing in class on Monday to get things started, then talk more about Medea.

For Wednesday, please finish your BE/ PB essays.  Nearly all of you have shown my your outlines, in hard copy or on email.  If you haven't, please make sure you do this immediately!

Please also read to page 352 in Medea for Wed.

Thursday, we will concentrate on otherness in non fiction so please bring Thoreau, King and ROO.

Note: we will do an in class close reading of non fiction the week of November 1st.
We will also be doing orals on passages in Medea the week of November 15th.

Enjoy the rest of your break!!

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