Monday, October 11, 2010

Sheet of the Week 10/11

Hi all,
Hope you're enjoying your long weekend and have recovered from the SAT, if you happened to take it. (!)
I must say I was surprised not to see more of you on Sunday at the college essay writing workshop, but I'll save my scolding for tomorrow....

In the meantime, a few reminders/updates about this week.  On Tuesday (which is Monday), we'll work on both MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" and Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience."  PLEASE make sure you've read both carefully and be prepared to do at least a little writing in class.

On Wednesday, we'll start Woolf and do at least part of the first chapter of A Room of One's Own.  We'll continue this on Thursday.  Plan to read the first part of Medea over the break.  We'll have an in-class RR on the Monday we return.

Remember that your Free-ish Choice essays are now due the Wednesday we get back (10/27).  I'd like to see an outline from each of you before the break, however -- just so I can make sure you're headed in a strong direction.  These will be due in class this WEDNESDAY -- remind me to remind you tomorrow!

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