Monday, February 21, 2011

Sheet of the Week 2/22

Hi all,
Hope you've had a great break.  It's hard to believe we're back tomorrow... unless, of course, there's another snow day (she said hopefully)...

Here's the plan for the week:
Wednesday: Heart of Darkness and Poisonwood Bible --together at last!  *Don't forget: PB questions are due in class.*  I hope preparing them will have helped you do a bit of review, since it's been a long time since the first read.  I think it will be interesting to talk about the two books together, though, and will start us off with some passages that seems particularly potent.

First Hour: Chinua Achebe's essay on Heart of Darkness.  I'll give you copies of this on Wednesday and ask you to read it for the next day.  We'll talk about it, then listen to Adiche's "A Single Story" which I think will give us additional perspective.

Second Hour:  We'll begin Hamlet.  Wahoo! Please, please, please bring your texts to class. 

For Monday, you'll be reading scenes 2-3 in Act I.  Because we need to get going on this reading, you get a little more time on your commentaries -- they'll now be due Thursday, 3/3.   (Thank you, Ms. Hollow!)

Till tomorrow --

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