Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sheet of the Week 2/7

Happy Superbowl!  I hope you're eating some nachos, kicking up your feet and of course, finishing your reading for tomorrow.  There's nothing like a little Darkness to get you ready for half-time...
Anyway -- just a few reminders for the week:

For Monday, you should have read at least through p. 84, with plans to finish the novel by Wednesday.  Your final RR will be due on Thursday.  By now you should have posted your first response (or part of it) on the blog and responded to at least one of your classmates' posting.  We'll do the same for the 3rd response (don't worry about posting the 2nd; I can only read so much!) 

In the meantime, we'll talk a little more about part 2 tomorrow, then move to part 3 in the second hour and on Wednesday.  We'll also start talking about the commentary and Poisonwood questions which will be due after break.

I'm posting the passages on the Heart of Darkness/Poisonwood page (to the left).  To reserve yours, click on the page, read and put your initials by the one you prefer.  First come, first served!

Finally, follow this link for the Achebe article I've been mentioning in class.  We may not get to it till after the break, but have a look when you have a moment.  I think you'll find it scientifically interesting...
Till tomorrow!

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