Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Connection between Cholly and Letter from a Birmingham Jail

I know this is a little late since it has to do with Bluest Eye, but I found an interesting connection between the rape with Cholly and a certain quote in letter For a Birmingham Jail.
On page 9 of 10 in Martin Luther King Jr.'s letter, he talks about policemen that use "moral means of nonviolence to maintain the immoral end of racial injustice" and he then quotes T.S. Eliot saying: "The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason".
And this reminded me of Cholly and how he had all of these mixed emotions towards Pecola about how he loved her but wanted to rape her, because sex was the only way he knew how to show love when he was drunk. But I thought that is was the opposite for Cholly, he wants to the wrong deed for the right reason. He wanted to show love but like I said does it by raping her. But he genuinely thinks that he is doing something nice to and for her. He just wanted to take the sadness out of her with love but it was the wrong kind. Also, when we see the rape seen through Cholly's eyes, Pecola is portrayed as a sort of temptation although she did not necessarily do anything to be one. The way that she was just standing there and her body movements, like when she itched her leg with her foot, just tempted Cholly even more.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, Anais. I have a feeling Morrison would appreciate the connection...
